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Essay &  Photo Competitions

Christiansted Matters

Christiansted Matters focuses on the historic town of Christiansted, the first planned town on St. Croix, which celebrated its 275th anniversary in 2010. Students may depict the significance of a street, neighborhood, architecture and/or people of the town.

A participant may submit her/his original photograph or a collage of up to three photographs to tell a story about why Christiansted matters to him/her. A brief typed essay of no more than 150 words must accompany the photo(s).

John McCollum Essay Competition

The John McCollum Essay Competition challenges students to initiate and write about a conversation with a grandparent or another elder of that generation. The competition promotes intergenerational communication and raises awareness of the need to preserve oral histories.

Essays are judged on relevance to theme, creativity, grammar, and coherence.  The use of the Crucian language is acceptable and encouraged.

Upcoming Events

The next John H. McCollum Essay Competition deadline is Friday, March 16, 2012.

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